我用了廿八年的時間, 才知道現在的我, 就是真實的我。
也不記得許多許多我自覺自己不能完成的事情, 也在完全沒有困難的情況下被迫完成了。別以為我說的是那些會得到諾貝爾獎或者是上太空之類的大件事, 而是一些雞毛蒜皮得你們想像不了的事情。。。
* 不敢一個人看鬼故
* 會隨時被人欺負
* 不能夠一個人乘車/逛街
* 不能夠脫離基督教
* 不能夠接受佛學
* 討厭讀書
* 不能夠一個人在外國生活
* 不能夠失去某個男人
* 不能夠跟前男友在分手後見面
* 廿五歲前不結婚會死的
* 沒有拍拖的日子會死的
* 一天不說話會死的
* 不可能做個壞女人
* 專一, 又不會多心
(太多了, 不能盡錄。。。你們也不需要O咀住, 這就是我嘛!)
原來, 以上我對於自己的假設都是錯覺。
假若人不會跌倒也不會覺得自己有問題, 就一直跟著自己以為是對的路去走。也不知道到底是我的故事太離奇, 還是冥冥之中就放了好X多人生路障帶著我走出自覺的困窘?
每一次我也是隨著心裡的我去選擇前路, 但…那只是幻聽與幻覺, 走過了一段又一段路, 窮途末路下發現原來這不是末路, 然而在被強迫的情況下試著接觸/接受那些我自覺不可能在我身上發生的事情, 才驚覺沒有什麼是不可能的。一切都是從碰壁中學習, 由障礙引領我走出今天的我…
這, 算是恍然大悟嗎?
nothing is impossible. enjoy life.
life is a journey. 旅程上,妳當然可以扮演不同的角色,但,並非每個角色都可被妳演活。
我同意上面的留言,nothing is impossible.
Sweet Piscean
Can you stop 折磨
yourself? I believe if you carry on this, you will kill yourself one day. There are many other things that you can do in life like loving your family, friends etc. Girl without confidence is not attractive at all!
Best wishes to you. Treasure yourself.
1. "...you carry on this, you will kill yourself one day..."
The fact is I wont kill myself but life is not meaningful to me. I am not afraid of death, as I have nth to lose anymore. I just wanna die without pain and I have arranged life insurance and will leave sufficient money for my parents.
2. "Girl without confidence is not attractive at all!"
You are not the 1st one to tell me this...and I know it pretty well.
3. I will try to stay positive and search for a better future instead of keep reviewing my past.
4. I agree that I am torturing myself in a way that I cannot withstand anymore. But, I cant help it...(at least for the time being)...
5. Thx for ur comment... though we r total stranger.
The Sweet Piscean
If "Law of Attraction" really exists, can you imagine how bad my life in the past can be??
Like attracts like wor...
BUT, i truly believe my life has been changed now... Only thoughts make me "feel good" left in my mind...
I feel good...Du du du du du du...I feel good...Du du du du du....Feel good, so good...!!
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